Tim Williams

Tim is our jack of all trades who delivers technology and organizing services.

Tim has a degree in computer science and a voracious appetite for learning things that no sane person would ever want to know — like how to make your computer and printer work together when they just refuse to get along.

Tim has worked or volunteered as an administrative assistant, a computer help-desk technician, a database supervisor, an executive assistant, a political staffer, a crisis phone line worker, a communications counsellor and a camp counsellor too. That last one might not seem relevant to Equitum, but Tim insists that refereeing small children is what gives him the ability to talk to computers in terms they understand and to know when to give your computer a time-out.

To give you just a flavour of Tim's varied skills, he has built websites, written newsletters, scripted and produced radio ads and billboards, supervised call centres (and worked in them), trained data entry workers, managed election campaigns, recorded videos for websites, and cleaned houses, though rarely his own.

Tim enjoys referring to himself in the third person.
"Hey! Just who is in charge here, anyway?"
- Tim Williams

Equitum Consulting Ltd.