PR and Strategic Communications Planning

Every now and then, a client approaches us with a request like, “I need a brochure.”

The client expects us to ask things like, “what’s your budget?” or “who is your audience?” or maybe “what is the brochure about?”

Those are all good questions — but if we started with those questions, we wouldn’t be doing our job.

The first two questions are “do you really need a brochure?” and “what are you trying to accomplish?”

If you’ve already got a well thought out communications plan, then you may well need a brochure. But how do you know you need a brochure (or don’t need a brochure) if you have no plan?

We can help you define your communications needs, set clear goals and measurable objectives and then select the right tools to deliver the right messages to the right audiences.

Equitum Consulting Ltd.